windows 10 not working

By Admin   Last Update: Monday, 24 April, 2023

Why is my Windows 10 not working?

No need to worry if Windows 10 is not working. Thousands of users face this problem and solve it pretty easily. The usual symptoms you face for Windows 10 not working include unresponsiveness, that is you cannot click anywhere on your computer. There can be many reasons for your Windows 10 not working or freezing. It can be the lack of system resources because too many applications and services are running. The reasons can be many more. You do not need to panic. It can be fixed without any major hurdles. There are a few solutions that you can try. You do not need to try all of the solutions. Just make sure to work all the way to fix windows 10, not working issues.

Restart your computer

There can be many problems and one solution. Restart your computer. It never hurts to follow this method. More often than not, this solution becomes enough to fix the issues with Windows 10 you are facing.

Troubleshoot your computer

You can always prefer this method. You can troubleshoot and also see what the cause of this problem is. You can troubleshoot by following the below-mentioned steps:

  • Open the control panel on your computer
  • Click troubleshooting
  • Click on system and security
  • Click on system maintenance
  • Click next and wait for your computer to troubleshoot the problem
  • Running system file checker

You want to know why my Windows 10 is not working even after following these two ways. If your system file is corrupted or missing then it can be the reason you are facing trouble. So you can run a system file checker to fix the issues easily.

Update the drivers

Sometimes outdated or missing drivers block the normal working of Windows 10. Prefer to update drivers. You can follow two methods to update drivers, one is manually and automatically. 

5 Ways to fix Windows 10 not working

Windows 10 is the latest and the most advanced version of Microsoft Windows. Still, it has its fair share of problems and people need to solve them. So, your Windows 10 is not working or it has slowed down your PC? This is not a huge problem, so you do not need to sweat thinking about it. It can be solved easily and it is not rocket science. Windows 10 usually does not work or slows down because of the lack of resources available. It can also be because of the running of many applications and services simultaneously. You can get that your Windows 10 is not working when you see the symptoms like unresponsiveness and slowness in working of the PC. So, next time your Windows freezes, you might already know the reason. Now, will go forward to fix the 5 best ways to fix Windows 10 Troubleshooter Not Working

Method 1: Restart your PC: This is the first basic thing you should try. It is the easiest thing to do, that is why it is preferable to restart your PC first before trying out other methods.

Method 2: Update the drivers of your PC: Sometimes due to missing drivers or not updating drivers some functions do not work. This may be one of the few reasons why you are facing a windows 10 not working problem. Therefore, prefer to update the drivers. You can update drivers manually and automatically.

Method 3: System Restore: Restoring the system can help you bring normalcy. Therefore, you can try the repair and restore method.

Method 4: Startup Repair: If you are unable to boot your PC then you can prefer the Windows integration tool startup repair.

Method 5: Reinstalling Windows 10: If all the above methods fail then you can choose to reinstall Windows 10 to make everything work fine for you as far as Windows 10 is concerned. By the above-discussed methods, you can able to fix windows 10 not running properly. If you still face a similar problem you call and take technical help to resolve the issues.

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